unicode_ci networks: - snipeit-backend # 使用 snipeit-backend 网络networks: snipeit-backend: # Snipe-IT 和 MySQL 服务共用的网络#确保当前在/root/snipe_it目录下创建docker-compose.yml文件中所需要的.env.docker配置依赖 touch .env.docker#生成APP_KEY值docker run --rm snipe/snipe-it#你...
apitoken: YourKandji API token [snipe-it] url: The base URL for your Snipe-IT instance (iehttps://snipeit.example.com) apikey: YourSnipe-IT API key time_zone: The time zone that your Snipe-IT instance is set to. Refer toAPP_TIMEZONE=in your Snipe-IT .env file. manufacturer_id: ...
https://github.com/snipeit-ai/snipe-sdk-ios.git Add the SnipeSdk package to your Xcode project. Import the SnipeSdk module in your Swift code: import SnipeSdk Initialization Before using any functions provided by SnipeSdk, you need to initialize it with your API key: let apiKey = "YOUR...
#确保当前在/root/snipe_it目录下,创建docker-compose.yml文件中所需要的.env.docker配置依赖touch .env.docker#生成APP_KEY值docker run --rm snipe/snipe-it#你将得到如下的显示Pleasere-runthis container with an environment variable$APP_KEYAn example APP_KEY you could use is: base64:2g4tKBr2Knc8pW5...
Trying to create an API key. get non specific error with no support or documentation to assist in fixing issue. Does not work from initial install. Very difficult to find support. Leave a Comment | 1 comment | Mark review as helpful showing...
[root@yy snipeit]# cp .env.example .env [root@yy snipeit]# vi .env 16 DB_DATABASE=example 17 DB_USERNAME=example 18 DB_PASSWORD=example [root@yy snipeit]# php artisan key:generate *** * Application In Production! * *** Do you really ...
IMPORTANT: write down/copy the generated key somewhere safe #ArtisanMigrate php artisan migrate --force #Creatingscheduler cron crontab -e press i, copy line below and paste into crontab * * * * * /usr/bin/php /usr/local/www/apache24/data/snipeit/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>...
log "rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-remi.el8" log "dnf -y module enable php:remi-8.2" & pid=$! progress echo "* Installing Apache httpd, PHP, MariaDB and other requirements." PACKAGES="httpd mariadb-server git unzip php php-mysqlnd php-bcmath php-embedded php-gd ph...
Login with Google Workspace ORPlease LoginUse admin / password to login to the demo. Username Password Remember Me Login I forgot my password
What license is Snipe-IT licensed under? Snipe-IT uses theAGPL license. Is there an automatic network/asset discovery agent or any plans to develop one? We don't currently provide a network agent, however we do have a robust REST API that can be integrated with agents if you know a lit...