The Sniffer Pants are crafted with leather and Sniffer Fur. They provide a speed bonus when walking over certain floral blocks. These are any blocks in the tag 'minecraft:flowers' or the new 'odyssey_sniffer:sniffer_pants_swiftness' tag introduced by the mod. You can add to these through d...
People Assignee: [Mojang] hawkan Reporter: [Mod] Avoma Votes: 3 Vote for this issue Watchers: 0 Start watching this issue Dates Created: 21/Apr/23 11:30 AM Updated: 25/Apr/23 1:05 PM Resolved: 25/Apr/23 1:05 PM CHK: 22/Apr/23 2:53 PM ...
TheMinecraft Snifferis a creature that you can vote for in the upcomingMinecraft Mob Voteduring Minecraft Live 2022. It’s a strange little thing that looks like an amalgam of a tortoise and a platypus, adores flowers, and lays its eggs in the water. It’s actually a prehistoric creature,...
23/Mar/23 12:37 AM Assignee: [Mojang] Chi Wong Reporter: [Mod] ampolive Votes: 3Vote for this issue Watchers: 3Start watching this issue Created: 23/Mar/23 12:37 AM Updated: 24/Mar/23 11:51 AM Resolved: 24/Mar/23 11:51 AM ...
The following are 30 code examples of csv.Sniffer(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of ...
Assignee: [Mojang] Chi Wong Reporter: [Mod] Avoma Votes: 4Vote for this issue Watchers: 1Start watching this issue Created: 22/Mar/23 5:47 PM Updated: 24/Mar/23 11:51 AM Resolved: 24/Mar/23 11:51 AM CHK: 22/Mar/23 7:05 PM...