// sniff: capture the pktvoidgot_packet(u_char *args,conststructpcap_pkthdr *header,constu_char *packet){printf("get the pkt");//***//implement spoofing code...}//主程序intmain(){pcap_t*handle;charerrbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];structbpf_programfp;charfilter_exp[] ="icmp[icmptype]==icmp...
War Tools! Scan, Sniff, Spoof and Hijack 2The Editor
For both SS7FW and DiameterFW before using. realm.properties: Change the username, password for firewall API sigfw.json: Generate new Public, Private Keys. Change the mThreat salt Jetty: Change the certificate To test the encryption, signatures ...
War Tools! Scan, Sniff, Spoof and Hijack :: Harmless hacking book :: White Papers :: WindowSecurity.comThe Editor