动词用法:The dog sniffed the ground.(主动嗅探) 名词用法:He took a sniff of the perfume.(单次吸气动作) 二、动作意图与场景的区分 smell描述的是自然、被动的气味感知,无需刻意动作。例如: I can smell garlic in the kitchen.(被动感知气味) This soap smells like roses.(...
The dogsniffedat my shoes. 那条狗嗅我的鞋。 牛津词典 ‘It's hardly what I'd call elegant, ’ shesniffed. “要我说,这很难称得上雅致。”她不以为然地说。 牛津词典 In those days, $20 was not a sum to besniffedat. 那时候,20元不能不当回事。
with direct speech ‘You're behaving in an unladylike fashion,’ sniffed Mother “你的行为不像淑女,"母亲嗤笑道。 Example sentencesExamples Surreptitiously, he sniffed at it as he raised it to his lips, then took a small sip. The dog sniffed at each of them in turn, wagged his huge tai...
Dogs are sometimes used at airports tosniff out drugsin people's luggage. 有时候,狗被用来在机场嗅查人们的行李中是否有毒品。 A police dog, trained tosniff outexplosives, found evidence of a bomb in the apartment. 一只训练有素的警犬在公寓里发现了炸弹的痕迹。 We have got to be careful and ...
My mother gave a sniff of disapproval.我母亲哼了一声,表示不同意。His sobs soon turned to sniffs.不多时,他的呜咽变成了啜泣。感觉;察觉an idea of what sth is like or that sth is going to happenThe sniff of power went to his head.权力在握的感觉使他得意忘形。They make ...
4.To utter in a contemptuous or haughty manner:The countess sniffed her disapproval. n. 1.An instance or the sound of sniffing. 2.Something sniffed or perceived by or as if by sniffing; a whiff:a sniff of perfume; a sniff of scandal. ...
Sniffspot is the #1 app to rent safe and private dog parks. Bring pure joy to your dog’s face by letting them run free without a worry in a Sniffspot dog park.…
Two former Albuquerque police officers have agreed to plead guilty to federal charges of racketeering, extortion and accepting bribes in a sweeping corruption investigation into a scheme that allegedly allowed people arrested for driving while intoxicated to evade conviction, according...
1. Take a sniff at everything and distinguish the good from the bad. 对任何东西都要用鼻子嗅一嗅,鉴别其好坏。 sniff 网络解释 1. 闻:1)观看(see)观看酒的颜色是否有光泽清澈;2)旋动(swirl)旋动使空气进入酒中,可以使红酒的单宁变得更柔和;3)闻(sniff)闻酒香是否和谐或者有难闻的气味;4)细尝(sip...