SNHU是指南新罕布什尔大学,其英文全称为Southern New Hampshire University,也译作新罕布什尔南方大学。南新罕布什尔大学成立于1932年,是位于美国新罕布什尔州曼彻斯特市的一所私立综合性大学。学校拥有社区经济发展学院、文学院、商学院及教育学院以及专业和继续教育学院等,为学生提供涵盖教育、商业、文科和旅游管理等领域50...
Southern New Hampshire University位于Manchester,NH(曼彻斯特市)的市郊,离美国商业重镇Boston(波士顿)仅一个小时的车程。Manchester,NH(曼彻斯特)是New Hampshire州内最大的城市及商业中心,虽然该市没有什么摩天大楼,但却有着相当朴实又现代化的各类设施。该市在FBI(美国联邦调查局)全美城市治安评比中一直处于领先位置。
创校于1932年的南新罕布什尔大学,原名 New Hampshire College,简称SNHU,常年以高品质的商业教育吸引着许多美国本土的学子与来自70多个国家的海外学生来此求学。在高等学府林立的美国新英格兰地区中,Southern New Hampshire University被列为是北新英格兰地区最好的商业教育机构,其中该校的M.B.A专业和在线教育项目曾赢得...
英语缩写 "SNHU" 通常代表 "Southern New Hampshire University",中文直译为“南新罕布什尔大学”。这个缩写词在学术和教育领域具有一定的流行度,特别是在商业教育方面。它源于1932年成立的New Hampshire College,以其高质量的商业课程吸引着美国本土学生和全球70多个国家的留学生。在新英格兰地区,SNHU因其...
网络美国南新罕布什尔大学(Southern New Hampshire University);美国南新大;美国新罕布什尔南方大学 网络释义
Modernizar a TI para uma universidade inovadora Ao reinventar o ensino superior para atender às necessidades dos alunos e da força de trabalho atuais, a Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) garante que os alunos acompanhem as novas tecnologias e requisitos profissionais. Mas, para cumprir ...
Presents information on the continuing education program offered by the Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester as of October 2001. Benefits to adult learners; List of its undergraduate and graduate bu...
gwen britton, phd associate vice president at snhu achieve better learning outcomes schedule your personalized demo today to see how you can achieve the same level of success as southern new hampshire university. requirements what we needed we use codio widely and extensively at snhu. we have a ...
Welcome to Southern New Hampshire University’s Annual Student Exhibition. This site features work created by campus students for classes in graphic design, web design, video, game, and photography. Ordinarily this exhibition would be displayed on campus, but the COVID-19 virus and social distancin...