SNF PPS Changes Increase Payments - skilled nursing facility prospective payment system - Brief Article
As discussed in the FY 2019 SNF PPS final rule, PDPM will completely replace RUGs for Medicare Part A Fee-For-Service payment to SNFs effective October 1, 2019. The implementation of PDPM was finalized in a budget neutral manner. Payment will be based on patient characteristics associated with...
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The article discusses the changes that would be brought about by the implementation of the final SNF (skilled nursing facility) PPS (prospective payment system) rule for financial year 2012. The announcement of new rules require the facility management staff to study the changes, prepare training ...
Fill-in-the-Blank: Enter the appropriate term(s) to complete each statement. Previous to the inpatient PPS, acute care hospital reimbursement was generated on a per diem basis, which was a type of ___ payment system that issued payment based on daily Fill-in...
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