GSEA was conducted in ZIC2−/−ZIC3−/− and WT control primed hESCs over genes de-repressed upon acute inhibition of EZH2 in primed hESCs8, with default parameters, including number of permutations: 1000, type of permutation: phenotype, metric for ranking genes: Signal2Noise and enrichme...
Importantly, we also identified strong upregulation of neuron-specific SWI/SNF subunit genes in CRPC-NE:ACTL6B(BAF53B),DPF1(BAF45B), andSS18L1(CREST) (mean log2 [FPKM + 1] values: 2.79, 1.19, and 3.58, respectively) compared to CRPC-Adeno (mean 0.24,p = 4.86e−06; m...
The full-scale test specimen\nwas equipped with a basket and assembled with dummyfuel\nelements. The package and test specimen,\nrespectively have a total mass of approximately 24 metric\ntons.\nThe mechanical test program included three 9m free\ndrop tests, in horizontal, vertical and oblique...
As we presume that near-complete Cyc8-Tup1 occupancy of the promoter is required for efficient repression, this suggests that Cyc8-Tup1 is present at near stoichometric levels at a transcriptionally active promoter. Cyc8-Tup1 also remains associated with other stress-regulated genes that utilize...
To explore this activity on a genome-wide scale, we turned to a cellular context during which transcript isoform toggling is widespread: the UPR.11 In order to quantify differences in transcript isoform expression for genes with alternative TSSs, we performed transcript leader sequencing (TL-seq)...