SNF MexicoSNF Floerger de México S.A. DE C.V. WATER-SOLUBLE POLYMERS SNF Floerger de México was founded in September 1999 during a period of exponential growth for the municipal water treatment market. The Mexican market provided a huge investment and growth opportunity for the company. From...
SNF MexicoSNF Floerger de México S.A. DE C.V. WATER-SOLUBLE POLYMERS SNF Floerger de México was founded in September 1999 during a period of exponential growth for the municipal water treatment market. The Mexican market provided a huge investment and growth opportunity for the company. From...
SNF Responsible Chemistry reflects SNF’s goal of being one of the most exemplary chemical producers in terms of environmental footprint. This defines our ambition and strategy, which focus on three core pillars: Decarbonizing our Activities Reducing Water Intensity Footprint Ensuring a Safe and Inc...