sneezewort sneezewort是什么意思、sneezewort怎么读 读音:美[s´niːzwɜːt]英[s´niːzwɜːt] 英汉翻译近义词典英英词典发音词典 sneezewort中文翻译 珠蓍 词组短语 1.Pellitory-of-the-wallSneezewort喷嚏草 单词专题
sneezewort/ˈsni:zˌwɜ:t//ˈsnizˌwɚt/ 添加到生词本 英汉-汉英词典 近义、反义、联想词 近义词 n. achillea 用户正在搜索 faeces,faecula,FAEJD,faena,faerie,faeries,Faeroe Islands,Faeroes,Faeroese,faery, 相似单词 sneeze,sneezer,sneezes,sneezeweed,sneezewood,sneezewort,sneezing,sneezy...
The meaning of SNEEZEWORT is white hellebore.
sneezewort Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to sneezewort:Sneezewort Yarrow sneeze·wort (snēz′wûrt′, -wôrt′) n. A Eurasian herb(Achillea ptarmica)of the composite family, having aromatic, linear, finely serrate leaves and clusters of white flower heads grouped in corymbs....
sneezewort (redirected fromsneezeworts) Thesaurus Encyclopedia sneeze·wort (snēz′wûrt′, -wôrt′) n. A Eurasian herb(Achillea ptarmica)of the composite family, having aromatic, linear, finely serrate leaves and clusters of white flower heads grouped in corymbs. Also calledsneezeweed. ...
sneezewort [sneez-wurt,-wawrt] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun a composite plant,Achillea ptarmica,of Europe, the powdered leaves of which causesneezing. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofsneezewort1 First recorded in1590–1600;sneeze+wort2...
there are three curved denticles on the top. The off-white middle flowers are bisexual and tubular. Sneezewort grows in meadows, along bodies of water, and amid shrubbery in Europe, Asia Minor, and the European USSR. It occurs as an alien species in Western Siberia. The powdered dry herb...
Around the lough are plants such as marsh cinquefoil and its crimson flowers and strawberry-like fruit, skullcap, flag iris, water mint, angelica, sneezewort, and ragged robin. Unique haven for everything from whooper to sneezewort! Heleniums and sneezeworts, are some of the easiest perennials...
English Three fields which have escaped agricultural improvement support wild flowers typical of old grassland, such as sneezewort and pignut.en.wikipedia.orgWould you like to translate a full sentence? Use our text translation.Browse the dictionary English sneering sneeze sneeze gas sneezer ...
英语解释 Eurasian herb having loose heads of button-shaped white flowers and long grey-green leaves that cause sneezing when powdered 相似单词 sneezewort珠蓍 最新单词 ergastoplasm是什么意思及音标n. [生]酿造质( 对碱性染料显示亲和力的一种细胞质成分 ...