“On top of the pandemic, we’ve had a year of civil unrest, a tumultuous election, an attempted coup, and whatever else has happened in our personal lives,” Mutchler explains. “A symptom thatmightbe COVID-19 provides us something to focus our worry on. Everything else is so far out...
Sneezing isn't usually a symptom But they're not typical of COVID-19. “The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough,” according to the World Health Organization (WHO) . “Some patients may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, or sore throa...
Unhealthy sick Asian woman unwell girl sneeze cover face with hands in cold parking Japanese Chinese Korean female suffer runny nose allergy pollution covid-19 symptom flu ill lady sneezing feel bad. High quality 4k footage Author credit line ...
So just like I did last year, I’m isolating at home from my so-far symptom-free wife and kid (it helps that it’s so nice outside that opening every window is not just doable but desirable) and wondering when symptoms that have reached the annoying end of common-cold severity will ...