Owing to the inherent instability of the natural circulation system,flow instability can easily occur during the operation of a natural circulation lead-cooled fast reactor,especially during the startup phase.A comprehensive startup scheme for SNCLFR-100,including primary and secondary circuits,is ...
本文从设计方法研究与程序开发、方案设计与特性分析、瞬态安全分析三个方面开展100MWth级小型自然循环铅冷快堆SNCLFR-100热工水力设计与安全分析研究,具体工作如下: (1)围绕小型自然循环铅冷快堆全自然循环冷却的特点,发展了适用于该新型反应堆的单通道分析模型和堆芯流量分配计算模型,开发了单通道模型计算程序LFR-SIN...
7.纯 CCl_4(A) 及纯SnCl(B)液体可组成理想液态混合物。在100 C时,纯CCl(A)的饱和蒸气压为 1.933*10^5 Pa。已知该二组分形成的液态混
6、 用 Fe^(2+) 定Sn时,滴定百分率为100%处的电位为计量点电位()7、在 1mol⋅L^(-1) 的硫酸介质中, E^0Cc^2+CL_2=1.44V ; E^0=FC^3+FC^2=0.68V ;以Ce+滴定Fe2时,选择邻二氮菲 -Fe^(2+) (Em=1.06V)作为指示剂。C)8、在 1mol⋅L^1 的HC1介质中, E * C +2072/0+3...
analysisFlowblockageLFRNaturalcirculationRELAP5codeIn this paper, we perform an unprotected partial flow blockage analysis of the hottest fuel assembly in the core of the SNCLFR-100 reactor, a 100 MW_(th) modular natural circulation lead-cooled fast reactor, developed by University of Science and...
SNCLFR-100, a small modular reactor proposed by USTC, is with passive cooling feature to both normal and abnormal conditions.LFR-SIN, a code for analyzing the steady state thermal-hydraulic performance of the reactor, was developed.LFR-DIS, a code for calculating the mass flow distribution ...
Transient analysisFlow blockageLFRNatural circulationRELAP5 codeIn this paper, we perform an unprotected partial flow blockage analysis of the hottest fuel assembly in the core of the SNCLFR-100 reactor, a 100 MW_(th) modular natural circulation lead-cooled fast reactor, developed by University ...
已知CCl(1)的蒸气压与温度的关系为lnp/Pa=-(3637.1)/(T/K)+C,其正常沸点为350K。100℃时SnCl(1)的饱和蒸气压 p_B=66.66kP
【题目】3.根据下列反应(假设离子浓度均为moLp( C )为100kP )Ni (s) +Sn"(aq)-Ni(aq) +Sn (s)Cl_2(g)⇌2Br(aq)-H_2(l)+2Cl(mq)分别计算(1)它们组成原电池的电动势,并指出正负极。2)298K时的平衡常数。(3)298K反应的标准吉布斯函数AG负 :2Br a) ...