用码BLACKFRIDAY购买SNCF火车优惠卡享8折!青年卡、成人卡和老年卡都包含! 👉🏻 原价49欧的火车优惠卡现在39欧就能到手!有了优惠卡购买火车票就能够享受30%的折扣哦! 👉🏻 如果经常坐火车上班出差或者旅行的话,性价比真的杠杠的!! 👉🏻 读万卷书行万里路,旅行可以安排起来啦! ✨Carte Avantage ...
The TGV INOUI offers a variety of ticket types, including the Prem's ticket, which offers discounts for travelers who book in advance, and the Carte Jeune, which offers discounts for young travelers. Onboard facilities include free Wi-Fi, power outlets, and a selection of snacks and drinks....