boycotts and other nonviolent direct action protests against segregation and other forms of racial discrimination. In April 1961, SNCC activists joined a campaign launched by theCongress of Racial Equality (CORE), another civil rights group, to desegregate interstate bus transportation. Although the Su...
This organization was created by black activists to fight for equal treatment nonviolently. It first began in 1960. It originated as a student-led group, dedicated to fighting for African-American civil rights. As the Civil Rights Movement grew throughout the 1960s, so did the organization....
On February 1, 1960, a group of black On February 1, 1960, a group of black college students from North Carolina A&T college students from North Carolina A&T University refused to leave a Woolworth's University refused to leave a Woolworth's ...
Actually, I have had a lot of trouble with my civil rights group lately, and I have walked downtown every day for six days now as much to get away from them as anything.They don’t ask where I go and I don’t tell them.So I suppose you could say that my motives at the library...
Despite the dangers associated with engaging in civil rights work in Mississippi, the SNCC workers, many of them only college students, planned a massive campaign to confront the system of injustice in the state during the summer of 1964. This undertaking came to be known as the "Freedom ...
Which non-civil rights group participated in the Freedom Summer? Define summer soldier When three civil rights workers disappear during Freedom Summer, the SNCC claimed what had happened to them? What were freedom dues? What were the Freedom Riders?
What did Ella Baker do in the civil rights movement? What did Ella Baker do after the civil rights movement? What did Ella Baker do for the world? What was Ella Baker's educational backgroud? Who did Ella Baker mentor? Who killed Ella Baker?
Telling 'our story' through a new book, a diverse group of SNCC alumnae write themselves into the annals of the civil rights movement.(Judy Richardson and Student NonViolent Coordinating Committee's 'Hands on the Freedom Plow, Personal Accounts by Women in SNCC')(Interview)...
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, American political organization that played a central role in the U.S. civil rights movement in the 1960s. Begun as an interracial group advocating nonviolence, it adopted greater militancy late in the decade, r