snare drum in the Music topic by Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE | What you need to know about Music: words, phrases and expressions | Music
intent, and metal unleashing a pure version of silence. Silence peeks out from between the simplest lines of a Louise Glück poem. The solo music of Etienne Nillesen is filled with this kind of silence. He digs beneath the ordinariness of the drum to coax a hidden voice to the surface. ...
1.本外观设计产品名称为:玩具(小鼓音乐铃). 1. The design product name: toy (snare drum music bell). 2.本外观设计产品是玩具. 2. The design products are toys. 3.本外观设计产品的设计要点在于其整体造型. 3. The design features the design of products in its overall shape. 4.立体图最能体现...
Raw Materials Maintenance, Repair & Operations
Sheet Music:Original price(C¥228)Reduced priceC¥171 Joel Rothman: We're Livin' In Odd Times Snare Drum (SD) Sheet Music:C¥253 Lash, H: Start Score snare drum (SD) Sheet Music:C¥177 Harris, Floyd O.: Rudi Mentz on the Go (snare drum) ... A compactdrummicrophone engineered for close mikingofsnareandtoms. 为小军鼓和通鼓的近距离拾音而设计的紧凑型鼓话筒超心形设计可以在最大程度上隔离其它舞台声音。 A properly inflated seal wipes the sides ofthedrumandprevents...
爱给网提供海量的音效专辑资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为wav 格式的snare drum: [1]_17s_:roll, music, percussion;[2]_15s_:roll with accents, music, percussion;[3]_17s_:roll with cymbal, music, percussion;[4]_11s_:roll with cymbal, music, percussion;[5]_15s_:roll with accents and cymbal...
Hailun S900 Snare Drum Stand Musical Instruments & Accessories, You can get more details about Hailun S900 Snare Drum Stand Musical Instruments & Accessories from mobile site on
James Nugent FOR MUSIC CRITIC 2. Gretsch Drums Silver Series EDITOR’S PICK Gretsch Drums Silver Series 5.0 Check Amazon Price Check Sweetwater Price The first thing that strikes you about this Gretsch snare drum is undoubtedly going to be the way it looks. It’s drop dead gorgeous, and quit...
Snare Drum Book. A collection of standard snare drum solos for contest, recital or jury. Contains: America the Beautiful March * Dress Parade * The Drummer Boy * First Parade * Independence * Kitten Kaboodle * Poppycock * Rhythm of the Bells * That's Tou