The only sounds are the occasional motorboat cutting across the water, screen doors snapping shut. Gli unici rumori sono i rari motoscafi che talvolta solcano l’acqua, le porte che sbattono. Literature I’m just about to drift heavenwards, to let myself be snapped up by his ...
Suzuki D 1986 Stunning sounds. Series: The nature of things; CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) Volz P 1938 Studien über das“Knallen” der Alpheiden. Nach Untersuchungen anAlpheus dentipes Guérin undSynalpheus laevimanus (Heller);Z. Morphol. ökol. Tiere 34 272–316 Article Google Scho...
The only sounds are the occasional motorboat cutting across the water, screen doors snapping shut. Gli unici rumori sono i rari motoscafi che talvolta solcano l’acqua, le porte che sbattono. Literature I’m just about to drift heavenwards, to let myself be snapped up by his ...