Snapping speeders rakes in Pounds 1,104 every day ; SPEED CAMERAS: Top money-spinning fixed locations for catching law- breaking drivers over last three years revealedShams AlShakarchi
For conspecific receivers the jet represents a potential hydrodynamic signal and can be analysed with the help of mechanosensory hairs. To gain more insight in the biophysical characteristics of the water jet we visualised and analysed jets of tethered snapping shrimp using standard and high speed ...
8. get one's finger out pull one's finger out informal Brit to begin or speed up activity, esp after initial delay or slackness 9. have a finger in the pie have one's finger in the pie a. to have an interest in or take part in some activity b. to meddle or interfere 10. la...
Rubio Long Snapping Top 12 Camp in Naples, FL The final RSI scores were a combo of Target scores, 4o’s, 5-10-5 Drill, L Drill, Speed with bonus points for being in the tops of each category. The finalists with the top 12 overall RSIs were: Jack Florentine Jacob Poff Wyatt Rubin...
as they can snap with amazing speed and power, and a full-grown snapper can easily nip off a finger. The safest method, of course, is to avoid handling a snapper at all. Lifting a snapper with a shovel is a safe technique that protects both the handler and the turtle. Lifting the tu...
pull over - steer a vehicle to the side of the road; "The car pulled over when the ambulance approached at high speed" helm - be at or take the helm of; "helm the ship" crab - direct (an aircraft) into a crosswind navigate - direct carefully and safely; "He navigated his way to...
Snapping shrimp use one oversized claw to generate a cavitating high speed water jet for hunting, defence and communication. This work is an experimental investigation about the jet generation. Snapping shrimp (Alpheus-bellulus) were investigated by using an enlarged transparent model reproducing the ...
By sweeping a sheet of laser light across the bubble-illuminated vortexandsnappingpictures with a high-speed camera, they were able to create the first 3D animations of how these elusive knots behave, they report today in Nature Physics. ...
These results provide the demonstration of an autonomous, self-repeating, high-speed movement, marking an important advance in the development of environmental energy harvesting, high-power motion that is important for microscale robots and actuated devices. This is a preview of subscription content, ...
By sweeping a sheet of laser light across the bubble-illuminated vortex and snapping pictures with a high-speed camera, they were able to create the first 3D animations of how these elusive knots behave, they report today in Nature Physics. 通过利用贯穿气泡照明涡流的激光...