微观榫卯结构将颠覆FDM 3D打印件的结构上限, Snapmaker J1S #3d打印 #榫卯结构 - Owen来造于20230610发布在抖音,已经收获了43.6万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
在外观方面,Snapmaker J1采用了全金属机身,工业级直线导轨和一体式压铸成型工艺,让您能够领略到极为精致的工业美学。相比于市场中其它3D打印产品而言,Snapmaker J1最大的亮点就是采用独立双打印头,可有效将传统产品3D打印时间降低50%,您还可以通过独立双打印头实现多种材质的同时打印操作。J1是Snapmaker于今年12月...
探索Snapmaker J1:IDEX 3D打印机的革新之作深圳快造科技倾力打造的Snapmaker J1,无疑是3D打印领域的革新典范。这款双打印头的高速打印机,凭借其卓越性能和独特的设计理念,为用户带来了前所未有的打印体验。让我们一同深入解析这款理想的IDEX 3D打印机的诸多亮点。双头并进 - J1配备了两个独立的挤出...
Snapmaker 2.0 is one of our most iconic 3-in-1 3D printer series. It features our latest 3D printing, laser engraving and CNC cutting technologies and has a large build volume. AT Models From $999 Learn MoreBuy now F Models From $699 ...
SNAPMAKER J1s 高速IDEX 独立双喷头 3D打印机 双色 家用 桌面级 高精度 全金属机身 自动调平 少废料 J1s图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Relatively smaller build volume: Since the extruders themselves take up some length on the X axis, dual-head printers will have a smaller build volume compared to single-head given the same printer frame size. This is especially noticeable when upgrading from single to dual head. ...
Brand:Snapmaker;Model:J1S;Printing size:300*200*200mm;Features:Multi-axis;Features:Heated Bed;Features:dual extruder;Features:Resume Printing;Features:Filament Detection;Features:auto leveling;Warranty:1 Year;Molding Technology:FDM;Applicable Industries:
Overall I would say Prusa Slicer is not particularly well suited to multi-extruder machines at the moment. For example, the prime tower is a single volume for all materials, which will cause problems when one of the materials is designed to not bond so well (such as breakaway support materi...
相比于市场中其它3D打印产品而言,Snapmaker J1最大的亮点就是采用独立双打印头,可有效将传统产品3D打印时间降低50%,您还可以通过独立双打印头实现多种材质的同时打印操作。最为重要的是,J1是Snapmaker于今年12月发布的新品,如果您想要再从原价9399元等到如今的7499元,估计要到明年618才能再有机会。