Qualcomm has now announced the part numbers and the layout of all of the Snapdragon X chips so far. There are five different SKUs of the Snapdragon X Elite and two of the Snapdragon X Plus. The big difference is the drop in cores, though the Snapdragon X Plus 8-core also decreases its...
The second-generation Core Ultra processor, known as the 200V, is engineered to perform on-device AI tasks while delivering improved battery life and enhanced performance compared to its predecessors. Intel first revealed the Core Ultra 200V for consumer PCs in September, and its enterprise debut ...
LeakedSnapdragon X Elite benchmarksindicate that the23W variantof SD X Elite with 12 Oryon CPU cores sits somewhere between the Apple M2 Pro and Apple M3 Pro. Qualcomm is also working onSnapdragon X Pluswith 8 Oryon CPU cores that would compete against the base Apple M2 and M3, and may...
Qualcomm formally launched the Snapdragon X Elite, the flagship platform of its Snapdragon X family that leverages its Oryon CPU core, and promises to double — yes,double— the performance of some of the most popular 13th-gen Core chips from AMD and Intel. ...
In Geekbench scores, the Intel Lunar Lake processors beat the Snapdragon X Elite in single-core performance but are behind in multi-core performance. Battery life also seems efficient in real-world testing. Just when it seemed like Qualcomm was overtaking Intel with itslatest X-Elite processors,...
Snapdragon® X Elite (3) Snapdragon® X Plus (1) Operating System Windows 11 Pro 64 (3) Memory 32 GB (3) 16 GB (1) Storage 1 TB (2) 512 GB (1) 256 GB (1) Display WUXGA (1920 x 1200) (4) On Sale On Sale (4) ...
Snapdragon X: Everything you need to know about Qualcomm's Arm computing chips The Snapdragon X Plus and the Snapdragon X Elite are in laptops right now, and here's everything you need to know about the X series. Industry support for Arm is looking better than ever ...
Snapdragon X Plus X1P-64-100: 3.8 TFLOPs Snapdragon X Elite X1E-78-100: 3.8 TFLOPs Snapdragon X Elite X1E-80-100: 3.8 TFLOPs Snapdragon X Elite X1E-84-100: 4.6 TFLOPs As you can see, Qualcomm’s naming conventions are a bit opaque even by the standards of the indust...
Qualcomm hasn't said anything about the battery life here, and I think that’s because there’s a chance the X Elite hasn’t quite matched the frankly bonkers stamina levels of Apple’s M-series chips. However, given what we’re seeing in comparison to Intel machin...
Browsing the web or watching movies aren't really too taxing for the Snapdragon X Elite, but under heavier loads the battery life drops off a cliff. When it comes to application performance, the Snapdragon X Elite offers good multicore performance in benchmarks like Cinebench 2024 and PC...