Qualcomm formally launched the Snapdragon X Elite, the flagship platform of its Snapdragon X family that leverages its Oryon CPU core, and promises to double — yes,double— the performance of some of the most popular 13th-gen Core chips from AMD and Intel. ...
Despite being equipped with LPDDR5X-8448 memory, the Snapdragon X Elite falls behind in both the memory copy and write tests in AIDA64 compared to the Intel powered laptops. However, it's not all doom and gloom, as the Qualcomm chip delivers an impressive memory latency of a mere 8.1 ns,...
Anonymous, 02 Sep 2024AMD will have problems with windows 11 Intel won't.bro, you are tech person and yet you didnt know 13th and 14th gen intel cpu have big issue ? oxidation in intel cpu chips/silicons and voltage that causing quick degradation, that never happen before, simply because...
Wait wasn't it supposed to be Snapdragon 8 gen 4 getting premiered on the 15 seties? Gen 4 translated to Elite? Reply 👍 ? Anonymous XRx 22 Oct 2024 Anonymous, 22 Oct 2024sorry, hyper OS is a head turner. Used it on my parents ph... moreyou need a dictionary. headturner means...
Despite being equipped with LPDDR5X-8448 memory, the Snapdragon X Elite falls behind in both the memory copy and write tests in AIDA64 compared to the Intel powered laptops. However, it's not all doom and gloom, as the Qualcomm chip delivers an impressive memory latency of a mere 8.1 ns,...
bro, you are tech person and yet you didnt know 13th and 14th gen intel cpu have big issue ? oxidation in intel cpu chips/silicons and voltage that causing quick degradation, that never happen before, simply because intel rushing their cpu + trying to beat amd ryzen cpu most people know...