Qualcomm justintroducedits latest and most powerful PC processor, the Snapdragon X Elite, at the Snapdragon Summit. This new processor marks a significant advancement in premium computing, featuring top-notch CPU performance, advanced on-device AI capabilities, and exceptional energy efficiency, offering...
对比图表显示,尽管后两者的时钟速度分别为5.2 GHz和5.0 GHz,但高通Snapdragon X Elite 12核处理器在单核性能上超过了AMD和英特尔芯片。Snapdragon芯片只能在1个或2个核心上达到最高4 GHz的时钟速度。所有基准测试都在相同的Windows平台上进行,没有使用Linux平台。在多核性能比较方面,英特尔Core i7-12700K台式机...
【手机开箱】IQOO 13 开箱_ 又一台高通骁龙Snapdragon 8 Elite 旗舰机!| 作者 Tim Schofield | 机翻中字 6.4万 62 0:29 App 你绝对想不到女生眼中的杂牌机居然有这些! 19.1万 57 2:05 App 花15块买的手机,卖家实在是太良心了! 1.3万 12 13:53 App iqoo neo10开箱啦 1.9万 -- 0:33 App OriginO...
Snapdragon X Elite ,按计划是在今年6月的Computex 2024 上发布的,高通 CEO 也将发表主题演讲。就在大家都以为还需要再等等的时候,业内有消息称,高通会提前释放骁龙Snapdragon X Elite ,就在下周,时间定在4月24日。 具体来说,高通可能会在下周三发布 Snapdragon X Elite 和 Snapdragon X Plus 两款处理器,会公...
上个月,高通发布了首款后 Nuvia 笔记本电脑 SoC 设计——Snapdragon X Elite。Snapdragon X Elite 是一个以新的定制 Qualcomm CPU 内核为基础的新品牌名称,将是 Qualcomm 迄今为止最积极进军笔记本电脑 SoC 市场的产品,Qualcomm 将在工程资源和营销资源方面投入更多资金。开发适用于 Windows 笔记本电脑的最新一代 Arm...
虽然相比Snapdragon X Elite少了2个高性能核心,但Oryon CPU核心最高主频依旧可达3.4GHz,总缓存高达42MB,内存带宽更是高达136GB/s。再加上强大的Adreno GPU,性能峰值竟然高达3.8TFLOPS!用个"爆炸性能"来形容一点也不为过。对比苹果M3处理器,Snapdragon X Plus的CPU性能高出10%,这意味着你在使用PC时会感受到前...
The GPU performance of the Snapdragon X Elite is not to be trifled with either. The integrated Adreno GPU is twice as fast as the integrated GPU of the i7-13800H and consumes 74% less power. Compared to the Ryzen 9-7940HS, the Snapdragon X Elite’s Adreno GPU is 80% faster and co...
Specifically, Qualcomm is saying that the Oryon CPU inside the Snapdragon X Elite is up to twice as fast as the Intel Core i7-1355U, and also bringing in Intel’s 12-core chip, the Core i7-1360P. The 14-core Core chip Qualcomm is comparing the Snapdragon X Elite to? The Core i7-...
Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite could beat Apple's M3 gaming performance Category Back to Apple MacBook Pro Brand Acer Apple Asus Dell Lenovo Processor AMD Ryzen 5 Intel Core i5 Intel Core i7 Intel Core i9 RAM 8GB RAM 16GB RAM 24GB RAM 32GB RAM Storage Size 256GB 512...
s chips right at the top of the pile across a variety of tests. For example, in Cinebench 2024, the Snapdragon X Elite chip scored 1,227 in the single-threaded test and 136 in the multi-threaded test. The closest non-Qualcomm competitor was the Intel Core i7-13800H, which scored 996...