Qualcomm says its Snapdragon X Elite and Plus chips will show up in laptops in "mid-2024," which means we should see them in the next few months. We don't yet know pricing, but the impression that we get is that these chips — especially the ones running the X Elite processors — ...
Qualcomm's new Snapdragon X Elite chipsets and Copilot+ are expanding to all form factors, including desktops and mini PCs. Copilot+ is launching in 15 laptops but not existing hardware, leaving a mystery on how to access it on desktops. With more form factors coming, all-in-one PCs ...
Qualcomm unveiled the ARM-basedSnapdragon X Elitechipset for Windows PCs back in October 2023. Fast forward to now, and we are only a month away from getting our hands on Snapdragon X Elite-powered laptops. In the run-up to the debut, we take a look at the x86 and ARM architectures, ...
Qualcomm has announced a new ARM-based chipset for Windows laptops calledSnapdragon X Eliteat theSnapdragon Summit 2023. The Snapdragon X Elite chipset competes with the best chipsets available for Windows laptops and is number one in most scenarios. It promises twice the performance while consuming ...
Qualcomm has dabbled with laptop chips, but most of its business has come from putting processors in smartphones and tablets. The new Snapdragon X Elite is the company's attempt to make laptop computing a core part of its business. This chip features a new high-power CPU core and an upgr...
Snapdragon X Elite laptops and Windows compatibility The Snapdragon X Elite will show up in computers from "leading OEMs" in mid-2024, according to Qualcom''s press release. As of this writing, there haven't been any announcements about who Qualcomm's partners are and what kinds of devices...
The brand newSnapdragon 8 Gen 3mobile chip is set to power the latest flagship Android smartphones and tablets but Qualcomm also announced its next-gen high-end chip for Windows on ARM laptops – the Snapdragon X Elite. Qualcomm hopes it can capture a larger chunk of the PC chipset market...
Explore laptops *Battery life varies significantly based on device, settings, usage, and other factors. **CPU Performance is based on Geekbench v6.2 Single-Thread on Windows 11 OS run in March 2024. Snapdragon X Elite was tested using a Qualcomm reference design on Windows 11 OS. The Intel ...
20 Commentson Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite could finally make Windows on ARM viable (official benchmarks released) Mastodon Bluesky Twitter Facebook Threads More It’s been six years since the firstWindows laptops with ARM processors hit the streets. But up until now they’ve only lived up ...
Qualcomm's CEO confirmed in an earnings call that the Snapdragon X Elite processor will launch in PCs using the next version of Windows. The new version of Windows is currently rumored to be released sometime in 2024. The exact name of the new version of Windows is still unknown, but ...