内部消息称,骁龙 8 Gen 3 的多线程性能仅比骁龙 8 Gen 2 快 20%,虽然没有给出具体的基准,但 Revegnus 可能指的是 Geekbench 6。不幸的是,当谈到单线程性能时,事实上,这也非常重要,这种情况似乎完全荒谬,因为据传骁龙 8 Gen 3 仅比骁龙 8 Gen 2 快 10%。这意味着高通可能不会提高 Cortex-X4 ...
高通10月将发布Snapdragon 8 Gen 3,传言除了台积电N4P制程,CPU核心设计为1,3,2,2四集群架构,内置一个时脉3.3GHz的X4超大核心、三个时脉3.15GHz的A720大核心、两个时脉2.96GHz的A720大核心,以及两个时脉2.27GHz的A530性能核心,搭配Adreno 750 GPU。日前出现跑分软件Geekbench 6的测试结果,三星Galaxy...
In October 2023 real world results of phones using Mediatek Dimensity 2300 will hit the market, before after, contemporaneous We will find out the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 cortex names and if that wasn't enough, will Mediatek be the new King And finally will Samsung Exynos 2400 erase the sins...
三个主频3.15GHz的Cortex-A720的大核心、两个主频2.96GHz的Cortex-A720大核心,以及两个主频2.27GHz的Cortex-A530性能核心,搭配Adreno 750 GPU。近期出现在跑分软件Geekbench 6上的测试结果,三星Galaxy S24 Plus所搭载的Snapdragon 8 Gen 3单核心得分为2,233,多核心得分为6661。编辑:芯智讯-浪客剑 ...
Snapdragon 8cx Gen 3 现身 GeekBench 跑分库,其基本频率为 2.69Ghz ,单核得分为 1010 分,多核得分为 5335 分。 这款代号为 "SC8280"的 Snapdragon 8cx Gen 3 尽管跑分成绩不错,可是仍然与苹果 M1 有着较大...
Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Vulkan 基准测试 对于 Galaxy 的 Adreno 750 和 Exynos 2400 的 Xclipse 940 的 Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 而言,两者的性能均显著优于其前代产品,代际增益显著。然而,值得注意的是,Geekbench 并非最佳的 GPU 测试工具,因为它不会对硬件施加长时间的压力。3DMark Wild Life 等测试应能更准确地...
The only takeaway is that "Geekbench" or so called "Apple bench" will release a new version ASAP to counter Sd8Gen3 performance lol so it looks dull infront of Apple silicon. Happend already for SD8Gen2 when they rushed version 6 over 5 because benchmark results were not convincing enoug...
The 1260P has a TDP of 28W (PL1) up 64W (PL2), while the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 has a TDP of just 7W. In Geekbench 6, the Snapdragon 8 gen 2 is just 10% (single thread) and 30% slower (multi-thread) compared with the 1260P. ...
The Nuvia engineering team has likely got their custom Oryon cores running to more than satisfactory levels—the article points out that: "a previous Geekbench 6 single-core and multi-core leak revealed that the (3 nm) Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 competes with Apple's M3 and is 46 percent faster ...