If you see an “x” icon next to someone’s name like the one in the screenshot below, it means you are chatting with someone who is not on your friend list. It appears whenany one of two users has not accepted the other’s friend request. Once you or the other user accepts the ...
Snapchat Star Emoji Meaning Curious to what the star mean on Snapchat? That means that someone has replayed this person’s snap in the last 24 hours. snapchat star emoji What Does the Purple Emoji Next to a Name Mean? The purple emoji next to a name means – well it’s their astrolo...
Here, you’ll find the “Quick Add” section. Scroll through this list to see people you might know. You can add them by tapping on “Add” adjacent to their name Tap on Add To add a friend, you must tap the add button next to their profile. Similarly rejecting incoming friend reques...
The emoji that show up next to your friends’ names on your friends list aren’t random – they say something specific about your relationship. This is what each one means: Gold heart: You’re #1 best friends with each other, meaning you’ve sent the most Snaps to them, and they’ve ...
Instagram is working on another Snapchat copycat: Nametags Even though it seems as though the Facebook-owned platform takes many of its cues from Snapchat, Instagram continues to pull out in front. The latest example of a copycat move comes in the form of Nametags, which looks a whole ...
First, you can directly openControl Centeron your iPhone by swiping up from the bottom screen or swiping down from the top screen. Then, tap thecrescent moon iconto turn it grey, meaning it is off. Or go toSettings>Do Not Disturb. Switch the button to disable it. ...
Inside the chat, tapping and holding on a message will save the note. The feature is only available if the sender’s settings allow, but it is nice for making plans, as you can hang on to information a little longer, such as an address, restaurant name, etc. It’s also helpful just...
Even Bluesky's name is related to X's former name. Dorsey confirmed a Bluesky user's speculation that the name ties in to Twitter's bird mascot, the idea being the bird could fly even more freely in an open blue sky.Dorsey left the board in May, apparently because the service added...
In the filing, Apple is mentioned by name a total of six times, with five referring to ways Apple is a risk to the company. It is noted Apple and Google have extensive control over the iOS and Android operating systems and the major app stores, meaning each can "provi...
Click the name of the filter, and it will automatically open Snapchat with the filter activated. (40% off), Sale Price 131.08 TL (30% off), Sale Price 52.21 TL Try Rainbow Glasses by Zara Shapiro for yourself (opens in new tab). Mq Black Love Heart Hearts Emojis Emoji - Heart. Many...