美国SNAP-TITE快速接头型号: 口径范围:1-1/4"~6" SNAP-TITE快换接头74C8-10EB SL SNAP-TITE快换接头74N8-10EB SNAP-TITE快换接头74C8-10EF SL SNAP-TITE快换接头74N8-10EF SNAP-TITE快换接头74C6-8EB SL SNAP-TITE快换接头PHC24-24F SNAP-TITE快换接头PHN24-24F SNAP-TITE快换接头PHC32-32F SNA...
Cells were harvested in RLT buffer (Cat. No. 79216, Qiagen). Total RNA was extracted with the Monarch® RNA Cleanup Kit (New England BioLabs) following manufacturer’s instructions, followed by DNaseI digestion. Then the residual guide RNA was sequestered by a complementary DNA oligo (for se...
Tektronix RMD5000 RMD5000-encore Rackmount Kit Baldor Model: 8107WD Grinder / Buffer Motor. < FUJI ELECTRIC FVR E11 FVRO. 75E11S-4EN 3PHASE O.75KW。 AEROTECH控制板NSERVO-OEM-NPS-TB4-TPSO-LMT5V Trimble GEO7X (88180-04) Trimble Geo 7X (88180-04) Handheld 5452449869 SE1C40050H0...
类型: The Parker Service Master Plus kit with 1 input module, type 01 with calibration certificate as per ISO 9001 产品类型: 不带输入模块的派克Service Master Plus主机,带1个输入模块的派克 Service Master Plus主机,类型01,带2个输入模块的派克Service Master Plus主机,类型01,派克Servcie Master Plus和...
使用液位温度控制器,可以使用公共平台分别设置和显示温度和液位。当监控油箱时,液位和温度功能的集成打开了许多可能性。液位温度控制器结合了液位和温度开关、液位和温度开关的功能With the LevelTempController,you can set up and display the temperature and the level individually using a common platform. When mon...
压力控制器易于操作,设计紧凑,非常可靠。PressureController具有出色的技术规格、更佳的压力管理和多种安装选项。这使它成为工业应用中永久系列使用的选择。The PressureController is easy to operate, has a compact design and is very reliable. The PressureController features excellent technical specifications, optima...
-成熟的测量系统 -液位和温度显示 -毫米/英寸/%显示 -高低显示器 -只有一个洞 -连续液位测量 -连接 -填料联轴器 -空气过滤器 -低压 -不需要缓冲管 附件 PC 编程工具包 SCSD-PRG-KIT 独立插件 M12 插头; 直通 SCK-145 M12 插头; 90° SCK-155...
Ready for use, simple and ergonomic, the Parker Legris blowgun kit remains an essential item of equipment for any blowing or spraying operation in the industrial environment. 即用,操作简单,符合人体工程学,派克乐可利气枪套件仍然是设备在工业环境中吹或喷涂操作的必备产品。Ready for use, simple and...
ATHKEY/1 Retro-fit kit part number KITAT without key KITATK with key Factory assembled suffix AT without key ATK with key B31.1 Compliant See page 14 for details 'H' Series Two Valve Manifolds Remote mount static pressure manifolds Purpose This series of two-valve manifolds combine valves ...
Urnedfourctutinoant.elUyn, tfhoer tnuuntartiteiloyn, tlhaebenl uist reiittihoenr lnaobte luissedei othr eurnninotteullsigeidbloer tuo nminotsetl SliNgiAblPe to manodrowseftce cSa1lilp%lN ouie ArnoniderPt ssen.rr oeoTsftcnhoi1fupoa%sdite,...