Potential of vermitea and SNAP as nutrient solution for lettuce (Lactuca sativa) under non-circulating hydroponics systemdoi:10.5958/2250-0499.2024.00022.8LETTUCEHYDROPONICSPLANT canopiesSYNTHETIC fertilizersPLANT growthThe present study was carried out to evaluate potential of ve...
Hydroponics Horticulture Vertical farming Grinding Electric light ...[+12] Kubota Corp. 1890 | Japan | 50,000-100,000 | http://www.kubota.co.jp | Public Company Kubota Corp. engages in the manufacture and sale of agricultural and construction machinery equipment. It operates through the follow...
hydroponicsnutrient strengthPhaseolus vulgarisThis study was conducted to determine the influence of nutrient solution levels on the growth, yield, mineral contents and some physiological characters of bush snap bean, and to determine their effects on water and nutrient uptake. The treatments used were ...
hydroponicsplant nutritionSnap bean (Phaseoius vulgaris L.) showed an increasing preference for NO3 with increasing total N and equal ratio of NO3 to NH4 when grown in nutrient culture. The percent increase in NO3 uptake over NH4 from solution was about the same as the increase in percent K...