把当前所选的对象与网格对齐。它相当于在“格式”菜单中选择“SnapObjectsToGrid”。 属性被设为True时,这一方法才起作用。 把当前所选的对象与网格对齐。它相当于在“格式”菜单中选择“SnapObjectsToGrid”。 属性被设为True时,这一方法才起作用。
From the Grid and Guides dialog box, turn on one or both of these options: Option Description Snap objects to grid when the gridlines are not displayed Positions an object to the closest intersection of the grid even when the grid is not...
From theGrid and Guidesdialog box, turn on one or both of these options: Option Description Snap objects to grid when the gridlines are not displayed Positions an object to the closest intersection of the grid even when the grid is not...
object.SnapObjectsToGrid Eigenschaften Die Syntax derSnapObjectsToGrid-Methode besteht aus folgendem Teil: Teil Beschreibung object Ein Objektausdruck, der ein Objekt in der Liste "Gilt für" ergibt. Hinweise SnapObjectsToGridist eine Methode, die nur in der Konfigurationsumgebung verfügbar ist. ...
From theGrid and Guidesdialog box, turn on one or both of these options: Option Description Snap objects to grid when the gridlines are not displayed Positions an object to the closest intersection of the grid even when the grid is not visible. ...
下列示例把 对象Oval1和Datalink1与网格对齐。Oval1 SelectObject False DataLink1 SelectObject False TestPicture SnapObjectsToGrid 下列示例把 对象Oval1和Datalink1与网格对齐。 Oval1.SelectObject False DataLink1.SelectObject False TestPicture.SnapObjectsToGrid ...
SNAP2GRID – Auto-Snap Objects to Grid CAD Design Software 0 評論 作業系統: Win64 語言: English 說明 This powerful app from CAD Design Software will move selected entities to a user specified grid in a snap(pun intended)! Not only can this be used on lines, splines, leader traces ...
object.SnapObjectsToGrid メソッド 指定項目 SnapObjectsToGrid メソッドを使用するときは、次の項目を指定します。 項目 説明 object 対象となるオブジェクトを表すオブジェクト式。 解説 SnapObjectsToGrid メソッドは、開発モードでのみ使用します。 このメソッドを有効にするには、Picture...
Learn how to use gridlines, snap-to-grid, smart guides, z-order, alignment, and distribution in Power BI reports.
Learn how to use gridlines, snap-to-grid, smart guides, z-order, alignment, and distribution in Power BI reports.