Windows 11中有些应用程序不支持Snap布局功能。如果您正在使用这样的应用程序,您将无法有效地或根本无法使用Snap布局。虽然目前没有一键式方法可以找出哪些应用程序与Snap Layouts功能兼容,但通常使用自己的功能控制窗口大小的应用程序是不兼容的。如果您正在使用此类应用程序,可以尝试切换到另一个应用程序,看看在那里是...
Windows 11 comes with a handful of new productivity features that multitasking easier, and Snap Layouts and Groups are two great additions.
Snap layouts are a new Windows 11 feature to help introduce users to the power of window snapping. Snap layouts are easily accessible by hovering the mouse over a window's maximize button or pressing Win + Z. After invoking the menu that shows the available layouts, users can click on a ...
I hope that subsequent updates to Windows 11 will bring two new snap layouts.
Changes and improvements Snap Microsoft has introduced improvements to the Snap Layouts feature for Windows 11 that are designed to make it easier for users to learn about the feature and use it through contextual cues. Now, when you accidentally invoke the Snap panel by dragging an app to the...
Microsoft introduced improved Snap Layouts in the recently released Windows 11 build 22557. Now the operating system shows available arrangements when you move an app across the screen. Drag a window to the top of the screen to reveal the snap layouts, then drop the window on top of a zone...
Description Snap layouts are a new Windows 11 feature to help introduce users to the power of window snapping. Snap layouts are easily accessible by hovering the mouse over a window's maximize button or pressing Win +Z. After invoking th...
Show snap layouts when I hover over a window's maximize button: enables or disables the Snap Flyout Show snap layouts when I drag a window to the top of my screen: enables or disables the Snap Bar Show my snapped windows when I hover over the taskbar apps, in Task View, and when I...
Using Snap Layouts To easily optimize your screen space, you can hover the mouse over a window’smaximize button, then select a snap layout you need. Note: Some apps may not show snap layouts. Snap Groups When you add your apps in a Snap Layout, that layout is saved in aSnap Group....