‘Snap in his turtle’在日常生活或特定语境中的使用示例 尽管“Snap in his turtle”并非一个广泛使用的俚语,但在某些特定的语境或社群中,它仍然能够找到其用武之地。例如,在一个亲密的朋友圈中,当某人因为一件小事而突然大发雷霆时,朋友们可能会半开玩笑地说:“他真是...
snap in his turtle 俚语 "Snap in his turtle" 是一个比较独特的俚语,其字面意思是“在他的乌龟里面猛烈地咬”。这个表达方式可能源于一种想象或比喻,其中的“乌龟”可能代表一个人的内心深处或者情感世界。 这个俚语的具体含义可能会因地区、文化和语境的不同而有所变化。在某些情况下,它可能被用来形容一个人...
snap是吸,turtle是海龟,但这里指的是男人的那个玩意儿,用英文解释可以是: The "snap in his turtle" refers to sexual performance, it's kind of a "clean" way of saying a vulgar idea (also known as a euphemism). A man who has no snap in his turtle is impotent; or, unable to have an e...
turtle ---海龟,此处指男性生殖器no snap in his turtle---失去男性功能,即ED(勃起功能障碍),海龟的威摄力(power)在于snap(猛咬),如果no snap,意味着海龟失去力量(powerless),进而引申为男性的powerless,即失去男性力量。 编辑于 2022-06-01 20:11 ...
There was no snap in his turtle for two years. ---《老友记》 第一季 第一集 snap是吸,turtle是海龟,但这里指的是男人的那个玩意儿,用英文解释可以是: The "snap in his turtle" refers to sexual performance, it's kind of a "clean" way of saying a vulgar idea (also known as a euphemism)...
there was no snap in his turtle for two years.是很地道的俚语,也不是很常用,这个是很委婉的说Paul那个东西两年都没有用了 为什么是snap还有turtle呢?不要想歪了,老美不是像我们那样形容那里,这个俚语大致的来历是因为北美洲有种snapping turtle(龟),是咬人的,且很厉害,被咬了就很疼,...
The "snap in his turtle" refers to sexual performance, it's kind of a "clean" way of saying a vulgar idea (also known as a euphemism). A man who has no snap in his turtle is impotent; or, unable to have an erection. I do have an idea on how it was created. "Snap," of co...