vue-thanos-snap 灭霸打响指的消失效果。效果来源于 Google 搜索“灭霸” 或者 “thanos”, 同时部分资源也是来源于 Google 中直接扣下来的。 另外,其实代码是参考的。 Thanos_Dust 代码已经算比较完善的了,我用 vue 来写了一下,加了一些英雄,修复了一些 bug ,加了...
2019年漫威官方发布了一套视频节目《漫威史上的今天》,讲述漫威著名角色的起源,每集不足1分钟,短小精悍有趣味。[乐娱组整理翻译制作] 此篇介绍的是灭霸~@漫威超英联盟 @漫威情报局, 视频播放量 101、弹幕量 0、点赞数 2、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 1、转发人数 0, 视频作
thanoslogo.png Add files via upload May 1, 2019 vishal.jpeg Add files via upload May 1, 2019 README Thanos-Snap Project Link This respository contain HTML,CSS code for thanos effect on website...
Channel your inner Thanos and bring balance to the web page by removing them with a snap. Once removed, they won’t reappear when you reload or revisit the page. Apple calls it Hide Distracting Items. Looks amazing, right? Here’s how you can “Thanos snap” and remove elements from any...
Naturally, the subsequent Avengers: Endgame answered most of our questions, while leaving us with plenty of new ones, but for these past few months, there’s still been some lingering uncertainty about the exact nature of Thanos’ universe-wide purge.Specifically, many fans were left wondering ...
Marvel reminds everyone that the most infamous moment in Thanos' history, the snap that killed half of the universe, never actually happened.
“The human brain is able to achieve remarkable performance while consuming little power,” said one of the co-authors of the study, Thanos Vasilopoulos, of IBM’s research lab in Zurich, Switzerland. Acting in similar fashion to the way synapses interact with one another in the br...
looks like the discard thanos deck is gonna be the new meta I've been eyeing trying to work out a discard/destroy Thanos deck. I think I have everything I...
It's been nearly eight months sinceAvengers: Infinity Wardebuted in theaters, changing the course of theMarvel Cinematic Universeforever. At this point, Thanos's snap—which wiped out half of the universe—has become infamous, as many of our beloved heroes shockingly met their demise. ...
So i went ahead and bought thanos and bruh hes so much fun :russ: Basically doing thanos lockjaw wave death fukkery. Stones are :banderas: Anyone else...