Italian know-how. (Snamprogetti urea process)
theEffectsofProcessParametersinSynthesisSectionof SnamprogettiUreaProcess YE Chen2HU Wen—shen (1.SchoolofChemicalEngineering,HefeiUniversityofTechnology,Hefei230009,China; 2.EastChinaEngineeringScienceandTechnoloygCo.,Ltd.,Hefei230024,China) Abstract:SnamprogettiUreaProcessisdifferentoftheotherUreaProcess.Ithasthe...
A b st ra ct :Snamprogetti Urea Process is different of the other Urea Process.It has the advantages of the high conversion efi ciency ,low consumption,low frame,no explosion,and can op erate in very low load .The effects of parameters such as the mole ratio of NH 3 to C0 2 ,H2...
6) ammonia stripping process 氨汽提工艺 1. Summarizes the production technology ofammonia stripping process,presents the operation and technical revamp of domestic main urea plants withammonia stripping process,and analyzes problems existing in the operation of these plants. ...
Process for the production of styrene which comprises: a) feeding to an alkylation unit a stream of benzene and a stream of recycled product containing ethylene; b) mixing the stream at the outlet of the alkylation unit, containing ethyl... F Buonomo,G Donati,E Micheli,... 被引量: 17发...
process simulationASPEN PLUSIn the present work, the plug flow reactor of a urea production plant from ammonia produced from natural gas of the Camisea fields (Peru) was designed, comparatively analyzing three commercial processes currently in operation: Stamicarbon, Snamprogetti, and Toyo. ASPEN PLUS...