1986, Seward witnessed the highest rainfall as compared to any other parts of Alaska due to an unrelenting rainstorm. The highways and the railroads took a massive hit during the three-day rainstorm, and the region was declared as a "Federal disaster area." In October 2018, the...
2007. The New Encyclopedia of Snakes. Princeton University Press.Mattison, C. (2007). The new encyclopedia of snakes. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP.The New Encyclopedia of Snakes. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, New Jersey.Mattison, C. 2007. The New Encyclopedia of Snakes. Princeton University...
We determined nest fate, hatchling growth and survival to age 5 years, and recruitment to breeding age of Northern Pine Snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus) in New Jersey Pine Barrens from 1986 to 2017. Pine Snakes are 'threatened' in New Jersey and in other states, and are at risk because of...
While we’re at it, I’m afraid I also stumbled across this headline recently:Venomous snake bite lands New Jersey man in the hospital. This one was a copperhead, also biting a hiker. It happened at Baldpate Mountain in Titusville, New Jersey. Totally not in the Hudson Valley! So, you ...
AT SPACE FARMS, a family-owned zoo and museum in rural New Jersey, Parker Space keeps African puff adders, cobras, copperheads, rat snakes, pythons, boa constrictors, “a bunch” of cottonmouth moccasins and eastern massasauga rattlesnakes. “I’ve ...
New Jersey Under N.J. ADMIN. CODE tit. 7, §25-4.8 and §25-4.9, it is illegal for anybody to own a dangerous species of animal, wild or not. Examples given include coral snakes, cobras, and pit vipers. New Mexico It is legal to import and own venomous snakes in New Mexico witho...
Vitt LJ, Pianka ER (1994) Lizard ecology. Historical and experimental perspectives. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey Google Scholar Voris HK (1966) Fish eggs as the apparent sole food item for a genus of sea snake,Emydocephalus(Krefft). Ecology 47:152–154 ...
In February 2011, a New Jersey man nearly died when his pet albino cobra bit him. Western Diamondback Rattlesnakes (Image credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) The western diamondback can strike at a distance of half its body length -- not too shabby for a creature that can grow 4 ...
"This work demonstrates that aerial undulation in snakes serves a different function than known uses of undulation in other animals, and suggests a new template of control for dynamic flying robots," the scientists conclude in their paper's abstract. Get updates to this story on FOXNews.co...
Snake venoms are complex mixtures of pharmacologically active proteins and peptides which belong to a small number of superfamilies. Global cataloguing of the venom transcriptome facilitates the identification of new families of toxins as well as helps in understanding the evolution of venom proteomes....