Roughly 39 taxa (plural of taxon, which I use as a term to refer to each specific "kind" of snake in order to encompass each species and subspecies) of native snakes can be found in the wilds of Indiana. These snakes can be organized into three broad categories, based on the anatomy ...
If the map does not work for any reason, just click on any of the links below to get to the overview of snakes for each state. Alabama,Alaska,Arizona,Arkansas,California,Colorado,Connecticut,Delaware,Florida,Georgia,Hawaii,Idaho,Illinois,Indiana,Iowa,Kansas,Kentucky,Louisiana,Maine,Maryland,Massach...
These results are supportive of our identification of these specimens as the remains of snakes, and that derived features of snakes were present among squamates as early as the Middle to Upper Jurassic. In our parsimony analyses of snake ingroup phylogeny, we submitted a taxon-character matrix ...
Indiana University Press , Bloomington , 357 p.Gilmore, C. W. 1938 . Fossil snakes of North America. Geological Society of America Special Paper 9: 1 – 96 .Holman, A. 2000. Fossil Snakes of North America. 357 pp. Indiana Univer- sity Press, Bloomington....
253–302Indiana University Press (2007). Rage, J. C. & Escuillié, F. The Cenomanian: stage of hindlimbed snakes. Carnets de Géologie/Notebooks on Geology 2003,, 1–11 (2003). Google Scholar Hsiou, A. S., Albino, A. M., Medeiros, M. A. & Santos, R. A. B. The oldest ...