The intent here is to have fun documenting some of the many fun and ridiculous misrepresentations of snakes in movies, along with the rare times when they got it right. (Seriously, if they're so often wrong about snakes, how can we believe anything we see in movies?) The snake detecti...
Indiana Jones & the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1979) James Bond is thrown into a pool to fight off a giant pet python. (2000)
Roughly 39 taxa (plural of taxon, which I use as a term to refer to each specific "kind" of snake in order to encompass each species and subspecies) of native snakes can be found in the wilds of Indiana. These snakes can be organized into three broad categories, based on the anatomy ...
Yes. Although North America only has Sand Boas, Central/South America only has Boa Constrictors, Europe only has Sand Boas, Australia and Southeast Asia only have Pythons, Africa, Indonesia, and the rest of Asia have a mixture of the three subfamilies.Heat...
recorded the highest one-day-long rainfall event in the state at 10.5 inches. More recently, in June 2019, severe storms in central and southern Indiana caused floods that left thousands of households powerless. Several roads also had to be closed after there werereports of cars being stuck in...
This is the time of the year when you may start to see snakes on your property or in your home. Here at the radio station in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, I'll see garter snakes in our back transmitter room or right outside the building on a warm sunny day. This is no surprise ...
of bone arising from the centrum surface that is referred to as the hypapophysis; positioning of the hypapophysis is either anterior on the centrum, posterior on the centrum, or at the inter-centrum contact so that the intercentrum body, is indeed ‘intercentral’. When the intercentrum ...
The Brazos River water snake (Nerodia harteri) and the Concho water snake (Nerodia paucimaculata) are listed as Near Threatened because their respective ranges are limited to about 1,900 square miles (5,000 square kilometers) in north-central Texas. However, their populations are thought to ...
- Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Arc The panga picked us up on the boats at 7am this morning. We went ashore, got our dive gear and were underway to the dive site out on Cana Island by 7:30. Along the way Mike and Holly started to prep their gear. They have their own re...
Copperhead Rattlesnakes DiamondbackTimber CottonmouthWaterMoccasinMamba CoralSnake Cobra VenomousSnakes •Venomoussnakesusefangstoinjectvenomintotheirprey.•Theirvenomcaneitherbeahemotoxinoraneurotoxin.•Hemotoxin:affectsthetissuesofthebody.•Neurotoxin:affectsthenervoussystem.VenomousSnakeCharacteristics •...