And no snake is as revered as the cobra, who is often depicted wrapped around the necks of the gods Shiva and Vishnu. As mentioned earlier, in India snakes symbolize the awakening of divine kundalini energy. It’s believed that if you dream of a snake, it’s a sign that your kundalini...
This design features a simple black ink snake that looks like it has wrapped itself around the arm. It is such a badass tattoo and it really makes a statement. You can recreate this or a similar design will look amazing on the leg too. If you want to add some color, then you can ...
I have a naga pair as a full back tattoo. The wrap around seven chakras. See the image shown. For example, my serpents (nagas) are wrapped around theseven prime chakrasdown the length of my spine. Snake and Kundalini Power This (to me) incorporates the kundalini power (which, by the ...