Among the following which is the only snake that builds a nest ? AViper BKrait CPython DKing CobraSubmit The only snake that builds its nest is : AKrait BKing cobra CChain viper DSaw scaled viperSubmit Snake has AMovable eyelids BNo eyelids CImmovable eyelids DEyelids placed in pouches...
day but is confined to one cave on Guam.The swifitiet builds nests on the walls of caves using its own saliva and mud to adhere the nest to the cave wall. Despite this unusual habit,swifitiet are still vulnerable to tree snake predation,as tree snakes can easily capture prey in total d...
Only the king cobra, among the other snakes of the world, builds a nest for its eggs, with the female using leaves and sticks for this purpose. After laying her eggs, the female guards them. The eggs require as many as 80 days to hatch. Baby cobras measure up to 20 inches long at ...
day but is confined to one cave on Guam.The swifitiet builds nests on the walls of caves using its own saliva and mud to adhere the nest to the cave wall. Despite this unusual habit,swifitiet are still vulnerable to tree snake predation,as tree snakes can easily capture prey in total d...
lives;however,neither species had any reproductive success in the presence of the tree snake.The island swifitiet persists to this day but is confined to one cave on Guam.The swifitiet builds nests on the walls of caves using its own saliva and mud to adhere the nest to the cave wall. ...
When I came into this world, the midwife said to me: “Dearest son, know that your house is not the house of your birth, for you are a warrior, you are a Quecholli-bird, and the house where you came into this world is only a nest. You are destined to refresh the sun with the...