snake spot'Snake spot'通常指环颈蛇(ring-necked snake)颈部显眼的环形斑纹,这类斑纹是识别该物种的重要特征之一。以下从生物学特征、行为习性和生态意义三方面展开说明。 一、生物学特征 环颈蛇的颈部斑纹呈现为闭合的环状,颜色多为亮黄或橙红色,与深色体表形成强烈对比。成年个体体长一般...
ONE of the most common snakes you can find during the night hours in Shenzhen, although not easy to spot due to its small size, is the white-spotted slug snake (Pareas margaritophorus). Measuring only 20 to 30 centimet...
由于无法在污染环境中生存,铅色水蛇是水质健康重要指示物种。 Plumbeous water snakes spend almost their entire lives within a few feet of shore, basking on branches and rocks during the day and hunting from just below the water’s...
He wanted to know which system is most important to the snake, eyes or infrared sensors? 他想知道,对蛇来说, 眼睛或红外线哪一种系统更重要? 互联网 展开全部 英英释义 Noun 1. when two dice are thrown and both come up showing one spot the results is called `craps' or `snake eyes'...
checkered adder,house snake,Lampropeltis triangulum,milk adder,milk snake- nonvenomous tan and brown king snake with an arrow-shaped occipital spot; southeastern ones have red stripes like coral snakes Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc...
Define blind snake. blind snake synonyms, blind snake pronunciation, blind snake translation, English dictionary definition of blind snake. n any burrowing snake of the family Typhlopidae and related families of warm and tropical regions, having very sma
Wear on sandy surfaces or among greenery to blend in, making it harder for the enemy to spot you. * Can be used in "Standard" or "Naked" configuration. * Usable by Snake or male DD Soldiers. (Not usable in MGO) * You must proceed to a certain point in the story and meet the pr...
(B) Juvenile snakes are more prone to bite than adults and frequently rest on vegetation where they are difficult to spot. (C) The camouflaging effect of the color pattern of a snake basking among vegetation close to worked land is a risk factor for snakebite. (D) The snake often basks ...
• Step on a rock or log, not over it. This way you can spot a snake that may be sheltering under it and take action quickly. • Watch out when sitting down on a rock or tree stump, you might be sitting on a snake.
Define Blind snakes. Blind snakes synonyms, Blind snakes pronunciation, Blind snakes translation, English dictionary definition of Blind snakes. n any burrowing snake of the family Typhlopidae and related families of warm and tropical regions, having ver