Description Snake Snake Snake! Sna - ku! Snake! Snake! Snaaaake! Snake! Snake! *clap 3 times* Snake! Snake! Snaaaake! Victory poses[edit]Left: Does a spin kick and sidekick, finishing in an open-hand battle stance, while saying "Not even close!" ("まだまだだな。", Not yet.). Th...
: Even if I punch someone in the face? EVA: Right. Naked Snake: Really? EVA: Really. Naked Snake: Why? EVA: Raikov's just that kind of guy. Helpful•0 0 The Fury: Mission control, I'm coming home. Helpful•0 0 Naked Snake: The earth was blue, but there was no God. ...
Snake有。“Quit kidding around. Snake, Snake, Snaaaaaaaake!” 来自Android客户端2楼2019-11-01 16:24 收起回复 seekulater 和平行者 12 幻痛只有一个地方死了不会有人呼喊,就是骑在马背上阻击火男追击的地方,因为那样的话山猫也死了。 来自Android客户端3楼2019-11-01 17:12 收起回复 ...
English Japanese Cheer 0:04 0:02 Description Snake! Snake! Snaaaake!* Snake! Pitch Group chant Group chant *A reference to the Metal Gear Solid "game over" screen Victory poses[edit]0:05 A cover of the iconic "Game Over" music from the Metal Gear series....