The Cape wolf snake is durophagous and preys on hard-bodied skinks. The specializations of the dentition can be related to dealing with this type of prey. During prey capture, the enlarged anterior teeth and arched maxilla encircle the prey, which is then killed by constriction. The blade-...
mostly due to different experimental designs (e.g., inoculation route and amount of conidia inoculated). For example, while in the Lorch et al. (2015) study, the disease did not progress toward life-threatening
The epidermis of scales contains various proteins that determine their variable chemical-physical characteristics and material properties. Two main types are present, intermediate filament keratins (IFKs), formerly indicated as alpha-keratins, and corneous beta proteins (CBPs), formerly known as hard-...
The girl on the stairs brightens up upon seeing fresh faces, but somewhat panicks upon seeing Eiha. She disappears in the courtyard, leaving you to walk all the way up first. [Eiha] As an apt deceiver, Eiha knows that the best lies are always built upon a foundation of truth, and...
HMWKs, prekallikrein, and factor XII form a complex linked to subendothelial collagen. Factor XIIa has a protease action; it activates other prekallikrein molecules and converts factor XI into factor XIa. In turn, factor XIa converts factor IX into factor IXa, which, together with factor ...
Vertebrates function as intermediate hosts for the last larval stages of metazoan parasites and as their definitive hosts where sexual reproduction takes place. In this work, the metazoans that parasitize the snake Thamnophis melanogaster in Laguna de Cu
307 2 of 13 increase in several genes related to cell cycle control, including VEGF and other growth factors such as inducible early growth response, interleukin 11, early growth response 2 and 3, and the insulin-induced gene [7].ToAxinLsT20-1C7, 9a,l3s0o7 induced significant cytoskeleton...