snake-head snakelike snakemouth Snakeneck snakeology snakepit snake-rail fence snakeroot Snakes snakes and ladders snake's head snake's head fritillary Snake's-head Snake's-head iris snakeskin snakestone Snake's-tongue snakeweed snakewise
a库库尔坎神庙朝北的台阶上,精心雕刻了一条带羽毛的蛇,蛇头张口吐舌,形象逼真,蛇身却藏在阶梯的断面上。只有在每年春分和秋分的下午,太阳冉冉西坠时,北墙的光照部分,棱角渐次分明,仿佛一条飞动的巨蟒自天而降,似飞似腾。这情景往往使玛雅人激动得如痴如狂。 North the storehouse storehouse you the ridge ...
The meaning of SNAKE'S-HEAD IRIS is a tuberous herb (Iris tuberosus) of the Mediterranean region having flowers that resemble a serpent's open mouth.
The Guinea-hen flower; - so called in England because its spotted petals resemble the scales of a snake's head. Snake's-head iris (Bot.) an iridaceous plant (Hermodactylus tuberosus) of the Mediterranean region. The flowers slightly resemble a serpent's open mouth. Webster's Revised Unabr...
mouth developmentstart of feedinglarviculturesnake head fishChanna striatusThe sexual maturity of female snake head fish, Channa striatus was studied by determining fecundity and gonadosomaticindex (GSI). It was found that the size at sexual maturity of female snake head fish was 26.45±3.07 cm ...
I like this. Hard to believe the snake can open it's mouth that wide. Guest - Aug 10, 2005 03:51 AM EDT Wow. this photo is great, I love snakes Guest - May 06, 2005 05:07 PM EDT This is a great picture!! It is a close up showing raw nature!!
Snakes are fascinating reptiles. Some of their characteristics are strange and impressive. I discuss snake features, world records, venom, types, and species.
将“snake mouth"翻译成法文 Arethusa ophioglossoides, Pogonia ophioglossoides, pogonie langue-de-serpent是“snake mouth"到 法文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:All ready to put your fat head in the snake’s mouth? ↔ Tout prêt à mettre ta tête dans la gueule du serpent ?
Stargazing is where the snake lifts its head to look upwards in a seemingly involuntary fashion. It may also ‘corkscrew’ when it tries to feed, which is where it will strike, but miss. Alongside all these symptoms, you will notice your snake mouth gaping. Chemical Cues While a snake can...
snakemouth Snakeneck snakeology snakepit snake-rail fence snakeroot Snakes snakes and ladders snake's head snake's head fritillary Snake's-head Snake's-head iris snakeskin snakestone Snake's-tongue snakeweed snakewise snakewood snakish snakishness ...