Download Mods for Google Snake Game 1. First, you need to download the mod menu for Google Snake Game. Open thisGitHubpage and click on “MoreMenu.html“. This will download the Snake Game mod on your computer. 2. Next, open the Chrome browser and use theChrome shortcut“Ctrl + Shift...
repositories { maven { name = 'Ladysnake Mods' url = '' } } dependencies { // Adds a dependency on the base cardinal components module (required by every other module) // Replace modImplementation with modApi if you expose components in your own API ...
[INFO] 18:01:51 Destroying material "gamefont_small_tex0" " Using latest release from the github link, fresh install of everything. Good karma+1 vote SnakeTheFox - Oct 6 2024 - 384 comments @ Harrison's Shaderpatch Preset ( Graphics Mod 2024 ) Makes all my maps incredibly dark ...
Navigate to the Manage Mods menu Set the mod state to Enabled and then restart the game Source Folders The source folders contain the source code to each mod. These are just the .cs files and you will need to create the visual studio solution and project yourself. Use .NET 4.7 for your...
Fixed some mixin incompatibilities with other mods Fixes The /team command should no longer be broken, but for real this time Fixed the localization for the banishment opus' tooltip Version 1.5.0 Kudos to SciRave for learning github and java to make a Requiem PR fixing some bugs!
repositories{ maven { name="Ladysnake Mods"url=""content { includeGroup'io.github.ladysnake'includeGroup'org.ladysnake'includeGroupByRegex'(dev|io\\.github)\\.onyxstudios.*'} } maven { name="Nexus Repository Manager"url='
Note 2: since MC 1.20.1 builds (1.14.0), the maven group changed from io.github.ladysnake to org.ladysnake. Note 3: since June 2023, the maven url changed from to repositories { maven { name = 'Ladysnake Mods' url ...
Mods for DCS lua-fileslua-filesPublic lua files i use in all my missions Lua 0 contributions in the last year No contributions on September 3rd.No contributions on September 10th.No contributions on September 17th.No contributions on September 24th.No contributions on October 1st.No contributions...
Anyone is free to submit a new game test or update an existing game test entry; simply follow the new issue template and testing guidelines, or post as a reply to the applicable game issue. Use the search function to see if a game has been tested already!
// if crate_name == "std" { if crateName == "std" { envVars = append(envVars, "STD_ENV_ARCH="+config.StdEnvArch[ctx.RustModule().Arch().ArchType]) } Expand All @@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ func transfo...