Another quick andeasy snake craft, are thesepopsicle stick snakes– we always keep our ice lolly sticks (washed and dried of course) and the kids have easy access for playing and crafting with them. One time, we made these oh so simple craft stick snake bookmarks (and funny little men!)...
Entice children who love all things slimy with the Creepy, Crawly Snake Shapes craft. This easy-to-make craft is perfect for preschoolers just learning their shapes. Make your own creatures from pasta, straws, colored cardstock, and pipe cleaners.
Come and make a fabulous printable snake puppet with us. This is a fun and easy snake finger puppet to make for Chinese New Year 2025 Year of the Snake!
This toilet paper roll craft is perfect for preschool and kindergarten age kids...and due to the realistic nature of how this turns out, older kids will enjoy it too! Painted toilet paper or paper towel rolls are strung together with string and a snake tongue and snake eyes are added. Yo...
Using a pair of scissors or a craft knife (and *adult supervision), help your child by cutting the bottom off the plastic bottle. With your kids, cover the open end of your bottle with a piece of fabric that is similar to a washcloth or cotton sock. We used a flannel and cut it ...
Paper chain snake craft for kids based on 2 real species of python found in Australia's Daintree Rainforest. Printable template available.
Printable ABC order snake puzzle. This ABC order puzzle asks kids to follow the snaking boxes of lower case letters through the grid and fill in those that are missing. Find tons of alphabet worksheets for kids at
3. Let your kids play with those rocks Lay the rocks in a pile and let kids get creative arranging them to make a patterned rocks snake craft. This works fantastic as a busy bag for children. You can store your patterned rocks in a bag and then pull them out during quiet time for ...
DLTK's Crafts for KidsToilet Paper Roll Snake Craft This is a simple three dimensional craft that is easy and fun for children to make and play with. Older children can cut the toilet paper rolls in half for more "joints" in their snake (this is what we did in our photo). Younger ...
Little Bee helped to glue the goggly eyes onto each snake and then I cut them out in a swirly fashion. When Little Bee first saw the finished snake craft, he was really surprised at how big the snake was! He said with great excitement, "Mommy, the snake is HUGE!" ...