Some languages, like Java, use snake case with all uppercase letters to indicate a variable is a constant. For example, INTEREST_RATE would be a Java constant. When all of the snake-cased letters are uppercase, this is known as screaming snake case. Camel case examples The following are ...
Here are three simple examples of code in the snake case naming convention: INTEREST_RATE increase_count_by_one FIND_ALL_USERS Snake case vs. CamelCase Snake case is a similar naming convention tokebab case-- also commonly seen as kebab-case. Both conventions can make it easier for a devel...
Upper camel case (also known as Pascal case): This is a variation of camel case where the first letter of each word in a compound word is capitalized, including the initial letter of the first word. For example, “PascalCase”, “MyVariable”, and “GetUserName” are all upper camel cas...
use camel case instead of snake caseuse camel case instead of snake case 在编程中,变量和函数名的命名规范很重要,它可以极大地影响代码的可读性和可维护性。一种常见的命名规范是使用下划线分隔单词的蛇形命名法(snake case),例如:my_variable。 然而,也有一种不同的命名规范,称为驼峰命名法(camel case),...
camel case: When using camel case, you start by making the first word lowercase. Then, you capitalize the first letter of each word that follows. numberOfDonuts = 34 pascal case: pascal case requires the first letter of the every words to be capitalized ...
Camel Case Examples getItem()findAtIndex()calculateTotalAmount()userId 2. Pascal Case Pascal case, also known asUpper Camel Case, recommends the first letter of each word to be capitalized, including the first word. There are no spaces or punctuation between words. Pascal case is commonly used...
CamelCase是一种命名约定,其中单词的首字母大写,并且没有使用下划线或其他分隔符。而snake_case是另一种命名约定,其中单词之间使用下划线分隔,并且所有字母都小写。 要将CamelCase中的缩略语转换为snake_case,可以按照以下步骤进行: 遍历字符串中的每个字符。 如果当前字符是大写字母,则在其前面插入一个下划线,...
use camel case instead of snake case 在编程中,命名约定是一项非常重要的问题,它可以提高代码的可读性和可维护性。在命名变量、函数和类时,一种常见的约定是选择使用蛇形命名法(snake case)或驼峰命名法(camel case)。本文将讨论使用驼峰命名法而不是蛇形命名法的原因,以便更好地编写可读性更强的代码。 驼峰...
There are two types of CamelCase. We have the Upper Camel Case (stylized as UpperCamelCase), in which the first letter of the newly formed word is in the upper case. Several examples of this include the words, “WordPerfect,”“WikiWord,” and the term, “CamelCase,” itself. The Lo...