:>>> convert('CamelCase')'camel_case'>>> convert('CamelCamelCase')'
需要实现一个json中key由驼峰转蛇形变量的转换功能,因此写了一个camel case to snake case的函数,不求效率有多高,只求简单有效: importredefcamel_to_snake_case(text):matches=re.finditer('[A-Z]',text)contents=[]last_start=0foritinmatches:start,end=it.span()ifstart>0:contents.append(text[last_st...
import re name = 'CamelCaseName' name = re.sub(r'(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])', '_', name).lower() print(name) # camel_case_name 如果你多次这样做并且上面的速度很慢,请预先编译正则表达式: pattern = re.compile(r'(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])') name = pattern.sub('_', name).lower() 要专...
CamelCase是一种命名约定,其中单词的首字母大写,并且没有使用下划线或其他分隔符。而snake_case是另一种命名约定,其中单词之间使用下划线分隔,并且所有字母都小写。 要将CamelCase中的缩略语转换为snake_case,可以按照以下步骤进行: 遍历字符串中的每个字符。 如果当前字符是大写字母,则在其前面插入一个下划线,...
case (also known as Pascal case): This is a variation of camel case where the first letter of each word in a compound word is capitalized, including the initial letter of the first word. For example, “PascalCase”, “MyVariable”, and “GetUserName” are all upper camel case identifiers...
Scripting languages,as demonstratedin the Python style guide, recommend snake case in the instances where C-based languages use camel case. Camel case vs. snake case in JavaScript When browser-based programming with HTML and JavaScript first emerged, snake case was a common approach to variable an...
2. Pascal Case Pascal case, also known asUpper Camel Case, recommends the first letter of each word to be capitalized, including the first word. There are no spaces or punctuation between words. Pascal case is commonly used for naming classes, interfaces, and types in languages like Java, ...
Here's an example of a helper function, written in Python, using Snake, to toggle the word under your cursor between snake-case and camel-case when you press<leader>c: importsnake@snake.key_map("<leader>c")deftoggle_snake_case_camel_case():""" take the word under the cursor and tog...
Snake (SNAAAAAAAAAKKKE) is a Python module for Vim that let's you use Python to its fullest extent to enhance Vim. Here's an example of a helper function, written in Python, using Snake, to toggle the word under your cursor between snake-case and camel-case when you press<leader>c...