The article provides information on several companies that offer foods for children with allergies. According to Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network, over 12 million children in the U.S. are allergic to certain kinds of food with 2.2 million are school-age children. Cherrybrook Kitchen sells mixes...
It’s important to avoid packaged popcorn with added peanut ingredients to ensure it’s truly safe for children with peanut allergies. Brands of popcorn that make great peanut free snacks for school children include Smartfood, SkinnyPop, and Utz. Sliced fruit Brimming with essential vitamins, ...
When you’re out with the kids all day, you need snacks… lots of snacks. We aren’t sure where they put it all, but no matter where you are—the pool, the park, waiting in the car to pick up an older sibling—you can expect a near-constant stream of requests for food. While ...
When you're eating with food allergies, it can be hard to think of allergy free snacks that are not only safe but also healthy and tasty! Here I provide a variety of snack ideas from nutritious snacks to tasty treats to convenient packaged snacks. Jump to: What is an allergy free snack...
My kids are always wanting ice cream over the summer holidays so I wanted to come up with a recipe that’s easy to make at home and is a little bit healthier than the ones you get in the shops. This recipe is also great if you are dealing with food allergies at home. It’s both...
Click here to go to my Allergies page to learn more about food allergies and grab my free downloadable posters for your classroom as well. Applesauce Have the children help you peel, core and cut apples into small pieces. If you have a stove or microwave, cook it until it is the correc...
meet thekids Our range truly has something foreverylittle one We understand how difficult it can be managing a diet for a little one with allergies. Our handy allergen table will help you check which of our snacks are suitable for your little one, meaning no tiny tummy has to miss out on...
Dozens of ideas for allergy safe snacks and recipes for traveling in a car or plane with kids - managing food allergies doesn't have to feel impossible!
I’ve spent some serious time thinking about how our lives can be simplified so that while we’re busy having fun with all our different activities, we don’t have to feel the constant stress of it all. When you throw food allergies into the mix too, it can really complicate things!
3 Kids and 8+ Categories of Food Allergies, Asthma, Eczema & EoE We joke that our family is the 'percent' family. We fall into a small group of families with 3 kids that navigate life-threatening food allergies and asthma. Even more rare, our identical twin daughters (who are mirror im...