our team of expert chefs and nutritionists make sure every breakfast, lunch, and school snacks featurefruits and veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains. (You won’t find fried food, juice, or desserts at our centers.) Once our Nutrition team comes up with a meal idea, our kid-critics ...
Top sources of energy and nutrients were identified.ResultsThe quantity and quality of food items provided at the four daycare centers examined varied greatly. For some nutrients, the recommended nutrient intakes were already accounted for by the food consumed from the institutional fare. As expected...
Nutritional Assessment of Snacks and Beverages in Southeastern Virginia Daycare Centers.doi:10.1177/0009922817730342Krisha NayakKristin HunterJeremy OwensJohn HarringtonSAGE PublicationsSage CA: Los Angeles, CA