Of course, I still have to wait a bit for the garden bounty to reach my kitchen, but I’m pleased that eventually there will be ratatouille and zucchini bread and a slim chance that I may yet need to learn to can so that I am able to manage all the tomato sauce I’m going to h...
Bounty was introduced in the 1950s in the UK. The Candy bar has a sweet and tasty coconut filling that is covered in milk chocolate. The one that is surrounded by milk chocolate is sold in blue wrapping. However, the one that has the dark chocolate is wrapped in red. Usually, there...
However, we’ve definitely noticed that the already shrinking bounty of Pyrex goodies around has dried up to nearly a trickle. We think the economy has something to do with that - people buying up Pyrex to sell most likely. When major thrift stores DO have Pyrex nowadays, the prices are ...