We demonstrate that the SNAC-tag can be inserted before both water-soluble and membrane proteins to achieve fusion protein cleavage under biocompatible conditions with efficiency comparable to that of enzymes, and that the method works even when enzymatic cleavages fail. This is a preview of ...
We demonstrate that the SNAC-tag can be inserted before both water-soluble and membrane proteins to achieve fusion protein cleavage under biocompatible conditions with efficiency comparable to that of enzymes, and that the method works even when enzymatic cleavages fail....
新药|司美格鲁肽片获批,2型糖尿病 | 新药|司美格鲁肽片获批,口服#GLP-1 受体激动剂,用于#降糖药2型糖尿病。司美格鲁肽片商品名Rybelsus,是司美格鲁肽的口服剂型,由司美格鲁肽和吸收增强剂SNAC组成。SNAC可以局部升高pH从而保护司美格鲁肽不被蛋白酶降解,另一方面还能促进司美格鲁肽跨细胞转运来增强胃内吸收...
Russian bank VEB seeks $34 bn injection: reportByAFP
普利制药异动分析 | 医药医疗;华金证券称,政策鼓励真创新,预计未来医保谈判定价趋于温和,国内药企创新研发逐步进入收获期,创新品种亦得到海外药企认可。 个股异动解析: 减肥药+多肽+药物研发 1、2023年10月30日晚公告,截止目前司美格鲁肽项目还未为公司带来收入。2023年10月26日公告纪要,口服司美格鲁肽按计划推进中...