In terms of enhancing port service capabilities, Nanjing will promote the improvement of the global route layout and expand the “international connecting flights” service this year. It will implement a new import model of “China-Europe freight trains + bonded warehouse sto...
The C2M model refers to leveraging online retailers' big data and customer analysis capabilities to customize products that meet the demands of consumers. Wang said the precooked food gift packages have gained popularity among consumers d...
This observation sets up an indicator for selecting a suitable superconductor when its large-scale industrial use is needed, for example, in superconducting maglev system or ITER project.Yanlong DingKey Laboratory of Magnetic Levitation Technologies and Maglev TrainsShuiquan Deng...
occupied by Russia, in which said that the Russian military is firing artillery from the territory of the plant. Military activity at industrial site of ZNPP, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, may cause a large-scale ...
For example, I recently traveled extensively in China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. It was once one of the less developed provincial regions of China. Today it has built physical and social infrastructure — airports, highways,...
As a city without access to ocean-going trade, Zhengzhou works to make itself open to the outside world through its airlines. Sending goods purchased both online and offline using planes, trains and vehicles, it is doing...
When America began moving west, we didn't add more wagon trains, we built railroads. 当美国开始西进运动时,我们并没有添置更多的大篷车,而是建了铁路。 And to connect our country after World War II, we didn't build more two-lane highways, we built...
心科普认识情绪,拥抱心灵。Student Development Support编者按“卷”成为2020年的流行词之一,你是不是每天也在“卷”的焦虑中拖延,因为情绪问题影响学习效率?很多年轻人都觉得自己有社交恐惧,你真的了解人际互动的艺术吗?进入大学的你是不是对原生...
Route 1. Shuttles and trains fromcampus reach four international airports. 校园位于新泽西州普林斯顿,距离美国1号公路以西约一英里。从校园出发的班车和火车可到达四个国际机场 The charm of Princeton offers the best ofboth worlds. A community of ...
discovered that it can be shaped by people who can interact and move through it without getting wet. I'm using this sculpture material to trace the paths of subway trains above ground in real time -- like an X-ray of the city...