Nihon Superior Debuts SN100C(510) Lead-Free Flux Cored Solder WireNihon Superior Co., Ltd
SN100C® is available in bar, solid and cored wire, and solder paste. 供应商信息 陈先生 地址: 中国 江苏 苏州 东环南路999号 公司主页:// 查看更多 苏州贝俊轮商贸有限公司 进入公司首页 苏州市贝俊轮商贸有限公司是一家集电子焊材、预成型焊片(Preform)、...
SN100C is also available in AIM flux cored wire solder and solder paste. TYPICAL ALLOY COMPOSITION TYPICAL ALLOY COMPOSITION Sn: Balance Cu: 0.7 Ni: 0.05 Ge: 0.009 TYPICAL MELTING TEMPERATURE TYPICAL MELTING TEMPERATURE 227°C (441°F) Eutectic TYPICAL SPECIFIC GRAVITY ALLOY DENSITY 7.4 g/cm3 ...
NS(Nihon Superior/日秀焊品/斯倍利亚)LeadfreeSN100C,SN96CISolderBar,Solder Wire,Solder Paster and Flux 无铅产品:SN100C锡条锡丝锡膏(%99.3Sn+%0.7Cu+Ni等/SnCuNi/锡铜镍合金);sn97c锡棒锡丝锡膏(%96.5Sn+%3.0Ag+%0.5Ag等/SnAgCu/锡银铜合金); ...
Solder Diameter`0.2mm to 3.2mm Weight Per Roll100g to 1000g Type of SolderLead Free RoHS Compliant CatergarySolder Wire Flux CoreSolder Core Wire 2.2% Flux Type of CoreNo Clean Rosin Core ApplicationElectronics, Plumbing Lead ContentNon Lead Solder Wire ...
soldering at process temperatures comparable to the tin-lead solder it replaces. performance in wave soldering at least matches that of more expensive silver-containing alloys and the resulting joints are smoother and brighter. sn100c® is available in bar, solid and cored wire, and solder ...
Our solder wire is made from a high-purity tin and lead alloy, with a rosin flux core. The rosin flux is a natural, non-corrosive flux that cleans and prepares the surface to be soldered, ensuring a strong and reliable bond. Our solder wire comes in different d...
Aim WS482 3% WATER SOLUABLE CORE SOLDER, SN100C, .032 型号:13247 仓库库存编号:70054283 搜索 13257相关搜索 Alloy SN100C Aim Alloy SN100C Wire Alloy SN100C Aim Wire Alloy SN100C Core WS482 3% Aim Core WS482 3% Wire Core WS482 3% Aim Wire Core WS482 3% Diameter 0.062 in. Aim Diame...
Nathan Trotter announces that they have introduced a new line of solder products, NT100Ge, which they will offer as a replacement for SN100C® now that the related patent has expired.Related Stories Nathan Trotter Wins Global Technology Award for NT100Ge Solder Bar & Wire Nathan Trotter’s...