其性质与"对位音乐"(counterpoint)基本相同。 70:复对位(compound counterpoint ) 凡对位音乐的各声部可以高低易位者,统称为复对位。复对位按声部数量可分为二重对位、 三重对位、四重对位等。 71:音域(compass ) 人声或乐器发声的音调广度,常以其高低两极...
例如:name the compound below CH3CH2CH=CHCH3 最长的C链上有5个碳原子,所以应该用“pent”表示主链上碳原子个数,因为这个分子当中出现了碳碳双键,所以它应该属于alkene,后缀应该用“-ene”,根据数字(第几号碳)最小原则,双键连接在2号碳上,官能团后缀的前面要加...
complex tone 复音 (composite tone) compound duple meter(s) 复二拍子(6/2,6/4,6/8) compound interval 复音程 compound meter(s) 复拍子 compound triple meter(s) 复三拍子(9/4,9/8) concert master 首席 concerto 协奏曲 concerto, concierto ...
1854年,Bechamp首先报道了利用铁粉还原芳香硝基化合物合成芳香伯胺反应,此反应被称为Bechamp还原反应。制备芳胺一般而言,最干净和简便的还原方法就是通过Pd/C或Raney Ni加氢,但是当分子内存在对加氢敏感的官能团,如:卤素(Cl, Br and I; F 对加氢不...
Compound 1(45 mg, 0.18 mmol) wasdissolved in 5% K2CO3 in MeOH/H2O (15 mL), and the soln. was stirred at 23°C for 4 h. H2O (3 mL) wasadded, the soln. was saturated with NaCl, and then extracted with CH2Cl2(5×15 mL). The combined org. extrac...
2.构词法是讲compound word 物理 01 初中物理 1.学习使用电磁继电器、2. 热机效率、3. 凸透镜成像规律、4. 电荷间相互作用的规律、5. 测量小灯泡的电压、6. 有用功和额外功、7.热机、8. 并联电路的电压、9. 光沿直线传播、10. 密度 02 高中物理 ...
but since many newborns have some amount of jaundice, doctors didn’t take it seriously and discharged her son without running appropriate tests. She and her husband Pat later learned that Cal had high levels of a yellow chemical compound, called bilirubin, that...
8) If the product is a new compound, the structure must be proved independently.如果产物是一个新的化合物,则必须单独证明其结构。(2) 加译“人们、我们、大家、有人”等主语9) The metal, iron in particular, is known to be an important material in en...
3. Scientists there have found exposure to sunlight releases a compound in the skin which can relieve ___ of eczema. ailments treatment self-diagnose symptoms 4. Research has found that older people are very ___ by computers and are confused about how ...
[7] Tsai YJ, Lin LY, Yang KM, Chiang YC, Chen MH, Chiang PY. Effects of Roasting Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L. Lam.): Quality, Volatile Compound Composition, and Sensory Evaluation. Foods. 2021;10(11):2602. Published...